Thursday, June 02, 2005

Straight Into Gay America: Latest News

Hello dear friends,

Hair Discussion Results
Jun 2, 2005
Feedback is all over the place on whether to cut or keep the hair for Straight Into Gay America. There's a new word rising--humor. Announcing 1,000 book sale goal.
Click here for the complete story.

Please join the community discussion surrounding this tour. Make your comments public on our community discussion blog. Just click on the menu bar on our website, under LATEST NEWS. Private e-mail responses are welcome simply by replying to this e-mail. This whole tour is richer because of your support and participation. Thank You, Lars Clausen



Anonymous said...

Dear Lars,
Our family would like to have the honor of providing the after shave .... we will have Jake find just the right one. We will have it sent to your first stop so it is there for your arrival. You have captured our hearts. Thank you for doing this marvelous journey. It will bring issues to light and it will change hearts. You will be in our prayers every day. with love from all the Reitans in Minnesota!

Anonymous said...

Who could have predicted hair would end up being such a big topic as you start this ride, Lars?! I wore my hair long for many, many years. Then, one day, I realized "it's only hair" and, frankly, short hair is so much easier to contend with that it was an easy choice to make. Now that I'm shaving my pate, I don't know that I'll ever go back!

That being said, as a bisexual, married man working in the very conservative town of Howell, Michigan, I have to keep my orientation a deep, dark secret so that I don't risk ridicule and a potential lack of career advancement. It's easier for people like me that live an outwardly heterosexual lifestyle but it gives me great sympathy and admiration for those people who either have to keep their sexuality completely under wraps or, even more so, for those who don't and face the storm of discrimination that ensues.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a cheater because it's easy for me to hide my complete self and benefit from being treated as what society classifies as "normal". Just like wearing my hair short because it is easier to manage shielded me from the negative aspects of being a long-hair, keeping my bisexuality a secret is the easy way out. I'm thrilled that your project is going to help bring to light the experiences of those who simply don't have the luxury to keep their sexuality hidden that I do.

Chris ("bald by choice")

Anonymous said...

By the way, Lars, I've blogged about your trip on , my blog. I belong to a group on Modblog called "Modqueers" and I think they'll be some interest within that group. Let me know if you hear from any of them.

- C.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lars,

I like the idea of haircut as a transformation into the ride. I hope you'll consider taking an extra step and donating your cut hair to Locks of Love, a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces for financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss.

Best of luck on the ride. Wish I could haul my Coker to Vermont and share some miles with you.

Tom B, Seattle Area Riders

Anonymous said...

Hello Lars,

Just received a hyperlink to your site from my life-partner of 25 years. I'm not a blogger - yet; so, just a short email. I've also been an ELCA Lutheran for 25 years (not a coincidence). I pray that God will astound you with his love on your journey!

I've been a volunteer church musician for contemporary worship services in Episcopal & Lutheran churches for the past 35 years. Now, I'm devoting my energies to churning-out CDs of my improvisations of traditional hymns from the LBW, arranged for multiple synthesizers. If I had known about your ride earlier, I would have sent you a pre-release copy of the Vol. 3 CD to take along for the ride.

About the hair - About three years back, I decided to buzz my hair to 1/4"-length & have never regretted it. (I already had a bald spot in the back.) It's amazing what kind of airflow you get under a cycling helmet at that length! The air cools as the sweat evaporates. But without the helmet, you do have to be aware of additional exposure to the rays.

Back to your ride - it's wonderful to see someone doing something positive like this & expecting positive results. As a 58-year-old gay Christian, I've become pretty cynical about the prospects of a true reconciliation between GLBT & the Church. I certainly know that I've read my last ELCA study on homosexuality!

I do wish that GLBT, Church & gov't could at least separate the Rite of Holy Matrimony & civil union - for both hetero & homo. Maybe then, we could at least gain socio-economic equal rights & let the various faiths slug it out on their own turfs, deciding who they will & will not preside over!

I look forward to reading about your journey. John