Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Letting it Be

Just returned from a 3-day backpack trip in the Cascade Mountains of Washington.
Together with another family we hiked up over 9,000 feet, glissaded down a snowfield, and entered the natural world that keeps turning day by day regardless of what I do or don't accomplish.

On the first day I thought about all the things I should be doing for next week's book release. One week from today the book becomes public in Colorado Springs,

On the second day I thought about the book, and why I'd taken my journey, and all the hours this past winter that I wrote and wrote and wrote.

On the third day, hiking back to the car, I resolved to let it be, to take what comes. I realize how much I want to get past the uncertainty and reach the point of knowing more about my days. Even with the small one-bedroom house we're renting, our expenses are currently larger than our income.

The bank account on this adventure draws slowly down, even as the emails come come with thanks for riding the ride, writing the journey, and sharing my story. A week from publication, in this time of unknowing, I feel glad for the alpine meadow where we camped, and the snowfed brook where we got our water.

Let it be. A week from today is publication day, and then begins a new adventure. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for encouragement,

Blessings for the day,

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