Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Good News.

Just back from 4 days at Holden ( where we used to live) and then a couple days of catching up. So much for the daily routine of writing on this blog.

Good news to report: Some Washington State citizens had an effort going to try and repeal the Equal Rights just established for LGBT people in this state. They didn't get enough votes to get the referendum on the ballot, despite mass appeals to churches all across the state.

More good news: Washington D.C. Senate defeated the the Federal Marriage Amendment that would ban gay marriage. As the long blog comment on the last message rightly said: "it's a disgrace and an affront that bills like this even get considered."

More good news: Soulforce has invited me to come and unicycle as part of their action to make the Colorado Legislature and Focus On the Family cease their spiritual violence against LGBT people. More on that soon when arrangements are finalized. Check out the event at I'm looking forward to good company when I ride on July 18th.

Amidst the big swirling issues, today my sixth grade daughter graduated from elementary school. What a day.

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